CyberSecurity Services
Threat Identification and Compliance
Threat identification and management for infrastructure and applications.
Security assessments for websites, applications, and networks.
Risk assessments to identify potential cybersecurity risks.
Cloud security assessments and monitoring.
Penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and threats.
Compliance consulting for regulatory adherence.
Vulnerability Management
Infrastructure scanning to identify vulnerabilities.
Mitigation planning and support.
Customized vulnerability assessments.
Regularly scheduled vulnerability scans and reporting.
Non-disruptive remediation assistance and support.
Application Security
OWASP Top 10-based threat identification and vulnerability assessment.
Recommendations for improvement based on security assessments.
Customized application security assessments.
Regularly scheduled application security scans and reporting.
Non-disruptive remediation assistance and support.
Cyber Incident Response
Security escalation management and impact mitigation.
Alarm triage and operational task management.
Threat analysis and mitigation for preventing future incidents.
Comprehensive incident reporting for regulatory compliance.
Ongoing support to maintain incident response readiness.